
Hugh Jackman recently opened up about his audition experience for the role of Wolverine in the Marvel films. In a surprising revelation, Jackman admitted that he was convinced he had failed his audition back in 2000 for the X-Men film.

However, Jackman’s story took a heartwarming turn when Kevin Feige, who was a producer’s assistant at the time and is now the President of Marvel Studios, extended a gesture of kindness towards him. Feige invited Jackman to dinner along with the screenwriter and even drove him to the airport afterwards.

Despite Jackman’s belief that he had no chance of getting the part, Feige took the time to share a meal with him and ensure he made it to the airport safely. Jackman was deeply touched by Feige’s act of kindness, stating, “I’ll never forget it. That was the nicest thing. I thought, I’ll never see him again.”

Little did Jackman know that this encounter marked the beginning of his iconic portrayal of Wolverine, a role he would go on to play a total of nine times. Fans of the Marvel universe will soon have the chance to see Jackman reprise his role as Wolverine in the upcoming Kevin Feige-produced film, Deadpool & Wolverine, set to premiere in theaters nationwide on July 26th.

The heartwarming story of Kevin Feige’s kindness towards Hugh Jackman serves as a reminder of the unexpected ways in which acts of generosity and support can change the course of someone’s life. It highlights the importance of believing in oneself and the impact that a single act of kindness can have on a person’s journey towards success.

As fans eagerly anticipate the release of Deadpool & Wolverine, they can reflect on the remarkable journey that brought Jackman to the iconic role of Wolverine and the role that Feige played in shaping his career. The film promises to be a thrilling addition to the Marvel cinematic universe, made even more special by the bond between Feige and Jackman that began with a simple act of kindness.