Unusual review in pictures and stories: Which news will attract the most attention on ntv.de in 2022? In the shadow of war, surprising moments appear alongside big names and well-known faces.

The format is special and by no means suitable for every occasion: picture series on ntv.de usually tell the story behind the news. The clickable routes show strong photos, impressive recordings and all those moments that are quickly lost in the stream of reports.

Series of images provide context and convey impressive moods. In this way, topics, developments and anniversaries that go beyond the daily news can be grasped.

ntv.de honors the life of outstanding personalities with series of pictures. Between brief reports and more in-depth analyses, series of pictures reflect the diversity of social life. ntv.de shows the everyday life of people in distant countries as well as the hustle and bustle of celebrities.

The ranking of the routes with the widest coverage is only suitable to a limited extent as a benchmark for the most important events of the year: the list inevitably contains large gaps. The message stream is only shown here in individual moments. And: picture series often simply serve as accompanying entertainment.

The selection shown here is primarily based on audience success. Public interest depends on a variety of different factors.

At best, the ranking allows only indirect conclusions about the importance attached. This special narrative format is certainly not suitable as an indicator for the development of the news situation.

A photo series with several dozen photos of celebrities can easily achieve more “reach” than a series of more significant content on a red-hot occasion. In the rush of the news business, the latter sometimes contains significantly fewer recordings – and may only be seen for a few hours.

Public attention follows its own laws anyway. It is often precisely the colorful topics that celebrate the greatest success with the public, measured in terms of simple key figures.

The true weight of a message lies in its content. Sudden, totally unexpected twists make bigger waves than slow, looming developments.

It is all the more surprising that mega-topics such as climate change appear several times in the monthly rankings. In addition to the sympathy for the suffering in Ukraine and the mourning for big names like Queen Elizabeth II, this is perhaps the most outstanding movement of 2022.

The changes in the climatic conditions on earth are visible in everyday life. With storms, floods and other extreme weather events, the effects of global warming have entered the public consciousness.

At the beginning of the year, for example, the world still seemed almost fine: the imponderables of the coronavirus pandemic were still fully noticeable in January 2022. But despite all the worries about Omikron and renewed lockdown measures, the end of the state of emergency and the return to the hoped-for “normality” slowly seemed to be within reach.

Towards the end of the second Corona winter, TV spectacles such as “Jungle Camp”, “Bachelor” or “Let’s Dance” were still very popular with German-speaking audiences. The Germans took time for nostalgic looks back at the D-Mark or devoted themselves to light topics such as Michelle Hunziker’s career.

The eruption of Hunga Tonga also clearly stands out in the ranking: In mid-January, many readers followed spellbound the effects of the strongest volcanic eruption in almost 30 years in the South Pacific.

But as early as February, there were growing signs of a grim turn in world history: the conflict that had been smoldering in Eastern Europe for years – long ignored by the German public and federal politicians – culminated in open hostilities: at the end of February, Russia’s ruler Vladimir Putin ordered a brutal, illegal conflict war of aggression against Ukraine.

It is indisputably by far the biggest and most momentous news topic of 2022: the invasion by the Russian occupying forces met with the resistance of the Ukrainian population.

The “special military operation” scheduled for a few days culminated in an extensive war that the Russian military is increasingly waging against the civilian population in Ukraine.

Series of images cannot always meet the demands of reporting. The flood of news can usually be conveyed better in the form of short messages, reports, videos and reports. Series of pictures can then sometimes contribute lighter fare for in between.

In July, for example, it is the much-noticed wedding of Federal Finance Minister Christian Linder and ex-RTL journalist Franca Lehfeldt. In August, there are impressive pictures of nature and shrill impressions from the “MTV Awards”.

In November, on the other hand, an article on the Ukraine war with an outstanding photo series on the situation in Bakhmut moved up the rankings. The “Horror on the Donbass Front” shows the fate of the population and the defenders in eastern Ukraine. The photos from the war draw much more attention here than, for example, the first impressions of the soccer World Cup in Qatar.

In December, looking back comes to the fore. The farewells of the year 2022 strike a thoughtful note. Apart from the Berlin Aquarium disaster, there were two major events that made it to the top of the rankings: the World Cup final and the celebrations of the Argentines.

What’s next? The year 2022 is coming to an end. What will 2023 bring? One thing is certain: in the world of news, everything can change from one day to the next.