
Loose Women Fans Outraged Over Janet Street-Porter’s “Disgusting” Comment

Loose Women viewers were left fuming at Janet Street-Porter for her “disgusting” comment to Denise Welch during a conversation about education on Tuesday’s episode. The panel, including Brenda Edwards and host Christine Lampard, were discussing whether parents should bribe their kids for exam success when Janet made a cheeky remark about her 11 ‘O’ levels.

Denise shared her own school experience, revealing she got five ‘O’ Levels. Janet then sarcastically said, “Is that all?” and pointed out that one of Denise’s exams was in Needlework, followed by a laugh. Despite Denise responding with good humour, fans were not pleased with Janet’s behavior.

Viewers took to social media to express their outrage, with one calling Janet’s actions “disgusting” and another labeling her as rude. The tension between Janet and Denise escalated earlier in the show during a conversation about infidelity, where Janet made a comment about being a “compulsive cheater,” leading Denise to correct her.

The exchange between the two stars left fans divided, with many criticizing Janet’s behavior towards Denise on the show.