Since this newspaper reported on Mediaset’s decision to put an end to Sálvame on May 5, every afternoon the program and its producer, La Fábrica de la Tele, have surprised with a better start than the day before.

Save me, cotton candy, the collaborators of Sálvame updating their curriculum, Jorge Javier Vázquez, wedding dress in homage to the controversy of Tamara Falcó’s dress… A sum and continues. They promised to go big and they are going to go big.

However, this afternoon Sálvame has started with an even more unexpected surprise: La Fábrica de la Tele has started the procedures for Sálvame to be declared an Asset of Cultural Interest.

“For creating a new dictionary of popular expressions and for being the longest-running afternoon show on television,” reads the producer’s request to the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Culture of the Community of Madrid. It is not a joke, nor a show, although it may seem so.

“Why does Sálvame have to be declared an asset of cultural interest?” Terelu Campos and Adela González started the program. Jorge Albertini, a lawyer, wrote the formal request live and took note of the reasons given by the presenters and collaborators: “Because it has been entertaining an entire country for 14 years, 3,616 rigorously live programs, it is the longest-running evening magazine in the history of television, has created its own language that has permeated society with words like water with mystery or hospital son, has contributed to the world of fashion by holding four editions of Sálvame Fashion Week, has emerged a new style of dance that Peta in any festival, the chuminero, because it has been synonymous with freedom in every way and because everything that happens on the set of ‘Sálvame’ ends up going viral”.

In accordance with the provisions of Law 16/1985, for a heritage element to become part of the General Register of Assets of Cultural Interest, it is necessary that a file be initiated by the competent administration, although it can be done at the request of entities or individuals . Once the file is initiated, all the legal protection provided by law is applied to the patrimonial asset, with a preventive nature.

The lawyer took note of all these indications and gave form to this request for the Ministry to make this wish a reality: “We must formalize a request in which we must explain why it can be constituted of cultural interest.”

“Today we begin the appropriate legal procedures,” announced Terelu Campos. Some procedures that the production company itself has confirmed and to which they have added a website for viewers to sign the petition, while announcing that the lawyer together with an editor from Sálvame were going to go to the Plaza de Felipe II, in Madrid , to also collect signatures, since in addition to the application, a document with signatures supporting the application had to be delivered to the Ministry of Culture.

As the lawyer has assured, there would be possibilities that the program could be accepted: “What do we understand by culture? It is the demonstration of ethnography, of popular knowledge. In turn, the law obliges us that the good has an anthropological interest , socially and culturally of course”.

Although it sounds crazy, the process has already begun. What would it mean if Sálvame were declared an Asset of Cultural Interest? An asset of cultural interest is a legal figure for the protection of Spanish historical heritage, both movable and immovable.

The legal declaration called Asset of Cultural Interest is a figure of protection regulated by Law 16/1985, of June 25, on Spanish Historical Heritage. In accordance with the distribution of powers established by the Spanish Constitution, the declaration of assets of cultural interest corresponds to the State only in the case of assets attached to public services managed by the General State Administration. In all other cases, the competence corresponds to the autonomous community. Hence, Sálvame has the request also to the Ministry of Culture of the Community of Madrid.

When an asset is declared of cultural interest, it becomes public domain. That is, an individual can be the owner of an Asset of Cultural Interest, but the Administration will protect the artistic, historical, and spiritual value of the asset.

Next June 23 will be the last program of Sálvame after 14 years on the air. Mediaset announced three weeks ago the cancellation of the program. The company’s new management, led by Alessandro Salem and with Borja Prado as the new executive president, set the goal of changing the face of Telecinco. And after a new Code of Ethics or the veto of some of its most famous faces, the end of the program came.

Starting in September, Ana Rosa Quintana, the undisputed leader of the mornings with an average audience of more than 18%, will occupy the channel’s after-dinner sessions. The Madrid journalist will continue directing the political debate of her program first thing in the morning -at least until the next general elections have passed-, but the rest of the space will remain in the hands of Joaquín Prat, her co-host until now and also host of Ya es mediodía , and the rest of his collaborators.

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