Pedro Ruiz returns to RTVE with a single new program: Nada del otro Mundo is a special in which the artist reappears on RTVE after almost 20 years of absence. Produced by RTVE in collaboration with Terrat (The Mediapro Studio) and written and directed by Pedro Ruiz, it tries to recover ways of having fun without getting dirty: “A work without pretensions, but with intentions.”

In the presentation of the program, the director of Communication and Participation of RTVE, María Eizaguirre, highlighted that Pedro Ruiz returns through the front door, to prime time on La 1: “We are recovering one of the great names on television, that of an artist who “It is part of the history of RTVE, which returns to bring us good conversations with great characters, with this title that is a declaration of intentions, Nothing from the Other World.”

Regarding the title of the program, Ruiz explained that this is the case, because “on TV, no one does anything out of this world, I just try to give people a good time. Giving people a good time already achieves a lot, no for you, but for the spectators: they will leave with a smile and with the idea that the world is kinder; and I am glad that it is in this house where it is seen. He has defined the program as “cordial, loving, simple, mischievous and with truth.”

The director of RTVE Entertainment, Miriam García Corrales, has referred to the interest of an artist like Pedro Ruiz and his proposal: “He is a very important figure in our country, he has done different things in the world of comedy, he has a particular vision of things, which invites a smile. And his vision of current events is interesting for new generations to know and know.”

The special’s mantra is “things that happen for the first time” and will be structured with three talks, three recorded comedy fictions and two songs. Dulceida, Rozalén and a surprise character, whose identity Pedro will not know until he appears on set, are the guests with whom the presenter will chat.

Humor is assured with Antonia San Juan, Pedro Casablanc, Luisa Martín, Eloy Arenas, Enrique Cerezo, Paco Grandes, Josep Pedrerol, Roncero, D’Alessandro, Corbacho and Lucrecia as protagonists of the comedy fiction shorts based on social issues.

In addition, Pedro will clarify a fake spread on social networks, starring himself along with Jordi Évole, which has caused numerous entanglements for years. All with live music.