
Excitement Builds as Fans Queue Early for Take That Show in Plymouth

Dedicated fans are already camping outside the stadium in Plymouth, eagerly awaiting the Take That show on Tuesday night. A group of super-fans, including Lette McIntyre, Tean Nobes, Sue Fice, and Julie Nash, arrived at the stadium on Sunday morning, more than 48 hours before the show is set to begin.

Lette, who has seen Take That perform hundreds of times, expressed her excitement about the show and the special bond she shares with her friends. The group, who met through their mutual love for the band, is celebrating 10 years of friendship with matching hoodies made for the occasion.

As the group reminisces about past tours and concerts, they are not alone in their dedication. Around 20 people have already joined the queue by Monday morning, eager to secure a prime spot for the highly anticipated show. With favorite songs like “Never Forget” and “Get Ready For It” on the setlist, fans like Lette are counting down the hours until they can sing along with the band once again.