The coming week will definitely be one thing: crispy cold. The weather models disagree on whether and where there is snow to any significant extent. An answer to the question of all questions – is there a white Christmas? – according to ntv meteorologist Björn Alexander, it is probably only possible at the end of the week.

Winter is also going into overtime in the new week. First with regional snow and ice, before it becomes more stable and then more varied again. In the middle of the week, the weather computers let a low move to Germany, which could have plenty of snow in its luggage. However, the uncertainties in the forecasts are still great.

Variant 1 is that the low tends to pull over the northern half. This would give us a borderline weather situation along the broad center with snow and ice between milder air in the south and cold air in the north. The second option offered by the weather models is a more southerly track. It would remain dry and winterly cold in the northern half, while the regions south of the Main line would get a good load of snow – a scenario that is currently particularly favored by the European weather model and acknowledged with 15 to 30 centimeters of snow cover down to the lowlands. The American model, for example, speaks against this, which prefers the snow options for the middle up to the north.

At the end of the week and the fourth Advent, the predictions are also on shaky ground. Both an extension of the winter weather and a mitigation with snow and black ice are conceivable.

Monday night: Frost and snow falls locally

It’s getting cold again in Germany. It is coldest in the low mountain ranges and in the Alps with minus 8 to minus 15 degrees. Otherwise, lows of between minus 2 and minus 7 degrees await us – widespread with a risk of slippery weather due to frost or freezing wetness. Some snow with the corresponding smoothness is possible, preferably in the eastern half.

Monday: Cold start with a friendly finish

High “Julian” temporarily stands up for our weather. This means that after a frosty start with a partly ice-cold wind, the sun asserts itself later more often. Only in southern eastern Germany are dense clouds with snow and ice on the way. Temperatures will drop to 0 to 3 degrees in the west. Otherwise, the permafrost dominates with minus 5 to 0 degrees and an overall freezing cold wind.

Tuesday: Patchy snow

In the southwest, the weather computers have snow packed in their program. In the rest of the world, however, it will remain dry and partly icy because windy winter weather with maximum values ​​between minus 5 and plus 2 degrees.

Wednesday and Thursday: Uncertain limit weather conditions

The snow low is approaching from the west, bringing snow and sleet with it. Where exactly, that is unfortunately still quite open. The fact is, however, that in the area of ​​the track of the low-pressure core and to the south of it, a so-called borderline weather situation between mild and cold air develops. Accordingly, it tends to be mildest in the southwest with 3 or 4 degrees plus. Meanwhile, the East remains ice-cold with a maximum of minus 3 degrees.

Friday and weekend: Exciting course setting

Many of us are concerned with the question of the White Christmas. And it could be answered by the end of the week. Because there are signs of an exciting development and a possible course setting by Christmas. Before that, variable minus 4 to plus 4 degrees with occasional snow or sleet showers await us on Friday. And there is a similar temperature range at the weekend.

After that, some of the calculations see the winter as prolonged. Other trends, meanwhile, favor a gradual moderation from the Atlantic. Here, the east would remain winterly cold for longer, while in the west the dream of snow at the festival could move further away.