Summer is coming and the grills are beginning to be renewed for the new season. La 1 premieres next Monday a special edition of El cazador con famosos, three special installments of the contest with Rodrigo Vázquez as presenter and Erundino Alonso, Paz Herrera and Ruth de Andrés as hunters. In each installment, four contestants will face one of them.

Raquel Sánchez Silva, María José Suárez, Boris Izaguirre, Jaime Nava, Jorge Sanz, Jesús Castro, Genoveva Casanova, Alba Carrillo, Alejandra Prat, Paula Vázquez, Lluvia Rojo and Miguel Lago will be chosen to challenge the great hunters.

In each show, four celebrities will face one of the hunters in three rounds, with the same mechanics as in the afternoons. The goal is to reach the Final Hunt, in which all the contestants who have escaped the round with the hunter will fight him or her together and will receive as a prize the sum of the amounts they have accumulated in the previous rounds.

In these specials, the prizes will be shared in solidarity and will be distributed among the associations chosen by the famous contestants.

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