Will the football World Cup in Qatar become a problem in times of Covid 19? The virologist Streeck is concerned that public viewing indoors could lead to “major outbreaks” again. He calls for clear protection concepts and makes it clear: Anyone can still become infected.

The head of the Institute of Virology at the University of Bonn, Hendrik Streeck, has mixed feelings about the coming autumn and winter because of the corona pandemic. He is particularly concerned about the soccer World Cup in Qatar and the public viewing that then takes place indoors. “As a result, we may also create larger outbreaks again, or there may also be a superspreading event and you have to prepare for that,” he said on RTL.

The protective masks could be a help again. “We know that the mask works and that the mask gives protection.” But above all, the risk groups in old people’s and nursing homes must be better protected. This included good hygiene concepts, but also a fourth vaccination for the risk groups. However, younger people do not need this at the moment, for them a triple vaccination is sufficient.

Streeck is also critical of the Oktoberfest. You have to prepare for this, he said on ntv. “At least we can see that the virus is not gone, that we are still in the pandemic or at least in the transition phase between pandemic and endemic.” It is important to know “that anyone can still become infected”. If you are boosted, you can, however, “accept this infection if necessary”.

The corona numbers in Germany are currently increasing rapidly again. Streeck explains this with the omission of the masks and the major events that are taking place again. All of which would contribute to contagion with the BA.5 variant. “BA.5 has an increased immune escape,” said Streeck. “People who have been vaccinated can become infected again because the immune system can no longer recognize the variant quite as well. In addition, it is also somewhat more contagious.”

The RKI put the number of new corona cases within 24 hours at 92,344. The number of new deaths was given as 112. There was also an increase again in the number of treatments for corona infected people in hospitals and intensive care units, albeit at a significantly lower level than in the first months of the year.