
The Spider-Man: Reign miniseries from 2006 has returned with a sequel, Spider-Man: Reign 2, written and illustrated by Kaare Andrews. The new installment continues the story of an aging Peter Parker in a dystopian future where Wilson Fisk rules over Manhattan as a tyrant king. The world outside the island has collapsed, leaving those under Kingpin’s rule as the only survivors.

In Reign 2 #1, Peter is living in a fantasy world, hooked up to a machine with Mary Jane by his side. He is awoken by a young vigilante named Kitty-Kat, who urges him to return to the real world and save it. However, the narrative takes a turn for the worse as the story progresses, with nonsensical plot choices overshadowing potentially interesting concepts.

Unlike the original Reign, the sequel fails to bring anything new to an older Peter Parker. He is portrayed as a man filled with regret, longing for a nostalgic past rather than confronting the future. The time travel element introduced in the series seems to detract from the bleak future setting, where New York faces an impending apocalypse under Kingpin’s rule.

The character designs in Reign 2 have also faced criticism, particularly the grotesque appearance of Kingpin and the elderly Spider-Man with a long white beard. The final pages of the issue tease a villainous reveal that promises more chaos and frustration in the upcoming chapters.

Despite a couple of strong ideas, Spider-Man: Reign 2 struggles to deliver a compelling narrative and character development. The sequel feels repetitive and lacks the originality that could have made it a standout series. As the story progresses, it remains to be seen whether the creative choices will pay off or further detract from the overall experience.

Marvel Comics has published Spider-Man: Reign 2 on July 3, 2024, with Kaare Andrews handling the writing, art, and colors. The series is accompanied by letters from Joe Caramagna and features a cover by Kaare Andrews. Fans of the original miniseries may find some enjoyment in revisiting the world of an older Spider-Man, but Reign 2 falls short of capturing the same magic that made the original controversial yet memorable.