
Stacey Solomon Accidentally Gives Herself a Black Eye While Building Duck Coop

Stacey Solomon, the 34-year-old Loose Women panellist, found herself with an unexpected injury while trying to build a coop for her new ducklings at Pickle Cottage. In an Instagram post on Tuesday morning, Stacey revealed that in an impulsive decision to construct the coop in dim lighting, she dropped a part of it on her face, resulting in a black eye.

Despite the mishap, Stacey expressed her excitement for the project and shared her plans for her new ducklings, whom she introduced to her family on social media last week. Along with her children, she has been actively involved in creating a playpen and a duck run for the adorable additions to their household.

In addition to her duckling journey, Stacey recently announced her decision to give up her showbiz career and focus on being a stay-at-home mother to her five children. She emphasized the importance of spending quality time with her family and engaging in projects that can be done from home.

Stacey’s dedication to her family and her new ducklings showcases her commitment to creating a loving and nurturing environment at Pickle Cottage. Despite the minor setback of a black eye, she remains enthusiastic about the adventures that lie ahead for her growing family.