
Star Wars has finally shown how the Rebel Alliance learned to trust Lando Calrissian after the events of Empire Strikes Back. Despite betraying Han Solo and Leia Organa, Lando continued his double-crosses even after Episode V. However, the Alliance decided to trust him after he confessed to his crimes and was put on trial. The new Star Wars #47 comic reveals that Lando will have to pay a large sum of credits to the Alliance as part of his sentencing, but this will help him earn back their trust.

The trial showed that Lando’s character has evolved, making him a true believer in the Rebel cause. Even though some leaders wanted to execute him, others recognized his loyalty and willingness to save his friend Lobot. Lando’s actions during the trial, including saving Mon Mothma, played a role in the lighter sentencing he received. This means that Lando is now in a position to become a general in the Rebellion, paving the way for his future in Return of the Jedi.

The trust Lando has earned with the Alliance is a significant development in his character arc. It shows that even someone with a criminal past can redeem themselves and become a valuable asset to the cause. The Battle of Taanab, mentioned in Return of the Jedi, could be the moment where Lando proves himself as a leader in the Rebellion. Overall, Lando’s journey from con man to general is a testament to his growth and dedication to the Alliance.

Star Wars #47, written by Charles Soule and illustrated by Madibek Musabekov, is now available from Marvel Comics. The comic delves into Lando’s character development and his ongoing journey with the Rebel Alliance. As Lando continues to prove his worth, fans can expect to see more of his story unfold in future issues of the series.