Arturo Valls has given an interview to A las bravas. In the Cadena Ser program, the presenter revealed that he was on the verge of being fired from Whoever falls, but he managed to stay thanks to the intervention of some colleagues.

Raúl Pérez asked Valls to tell how the problems arose in the format. “Well, these things from producers who say ‘this is the one who just arrived, he hasn’t just shined’. The reports they took me to were the most dodgy, the most difficult to shine,” he said.

“Then they decide no, with that lapidary phrase they tell me that I am a second-rate reporter on a first-rate program. There my legs are shaking and everything falls apart, without being an aspirational or vocational thing, that it was a dream. No “I was finding everything,” he added.

“Suddenly, Pablo Carbonell, Wyoming, Edu Arroyo, director of the program at that time, said ‘hey, we might as well give this guy another chance, this guy is cool, he might be fine.’ And so it was, they stood up and here I am,” he noted.

Pérez also asked Valls if he had had any experience with a hater. “Relatively recently, while promoting That’s My Jam, I made the cover of El País Semanal and there was an extensive report. I complained that they question you about this thing of always having comedy, that you go somewhere, that I see you very seriously… That cross that we comedians have, that it always seems like we have to be telling jokes,” the actor also explained.

“This headline was illustrated by a photo of a microphone with a cable and me wrapping myself around the cable, acting like an asshole, it said ‘I rebel against thinking that we are just clowns’. Then a guy wrote ‘and how do you want to be treated, assholes’ ‘What do you want, to be asked about Einstein?'” he recalled. “The headline was poorly illustrated with that photo because, effectively, what the man came to say is that, if you’ve been fooling around on TV for 10 years, what are you up to? There’s some truth to it too,” the interviewee admitted.