From 2015 until October 2018 have increased allocations to health-care clinics in the valencian 16%

The expectations have risen in 6.051 patients that are waiting to be called to receive surgical care

Of 2015 to 2016 the starting to the private increased by more than two and a half million

The figures on the expenditure of the Council in referrals for surgical assistant at private clinics present a great paradox. Facing the rejection that has shown the Botànic to the model ‘public-private’ hospitals, statistics show that during the last three years has grown the dependence of the Department of Health with the private health care through the crash plan to end the increase in delays during surgery.

that Is to say, in spite of the speech of the managers of the Botànic of determined defence of the management of the public health, during the past few years have allocated more resources to the business of the private health care during the last year of government shared between the PP and PSPV/Compromís (2015).

From 2015 until October 2018 have grown up referrals, health-care clinics in the valencian 16%, as shown in the records of the State of Execution of the Budget of the Generalitat Valenciana in order to minimize delays surgical.

In the data of budget headings under ‘External Services’ is observed that the trend has been growing, except for a slight moderation in 2017, during the last management public health.

In 2015 is appointed a total of 8.768.722 euros to pay for the medical assistance and interventions in private hospitals. A figure that increased considerably during 2016 because it was published in 11.302.219 euros. From one year to another, the above-mentioned game grew more than two and a half million euros -2.533.497 euros-.

A year later, in 2017, we have noticed a slight reduction of this allocation to private healthcare, but remained above the ten million that it stood at 10.720.413 euros.

Before the figures from the starting of this year, registered until October 2018, we can predict that by the end of the year will be higher than the previous year 2017. In fact, up until October, the game has already reached 10.110.715 euros and it is expected that the months of November and December -by the increase of the waiting lists – inject more investment for referral to private health care.

In terms of the number of people who expect to receive a surgical intervention, has also increased during the years of the last government’s Botànic. In 2016, the former councillor Carmen Lot confirmed, at a press conference, that he had discovered that the PP had been concealed during his management of 10,000 patients. In particular, the former minister said that the PP compared with 47.000 users who were waiting for surgery, but in reality according to his statements, he discovered that they were 10,000 patients who had. In total, amounted to 57.000 users that left her unable to operate the PP.

The problem is that currently the official figures of the delays surgical surface a total of 63.949 patients who are waiting for the health valenciana call them to intervene in various pathologies.

A total that demonstrates that the expectations have grown in 6.051 patients that are still in their homes in order to be called to receive health care clinic. Data that is obtained by subtracting the 63.949 patients this year, compared to the 57,000 users that kept the pe in the same process of waiting.

A scenario in which, despite the fact that it allocate more budgets for private health care, waiting lists for surgical interventions in the public health sector continue to increase.

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