
The Most Extravagant Retirement Communities: A Review of Wealthy Aging

Old age has become a lucrative market, especially with the abundance of baby boomers and their substantial wealth. This is evident in programs such as The World’s Most Luxurious Retirement Homes, as seen on Channel 5. One of these luxurious retirement homes is The Palace in Miami, a lavish neo-palazzo inspired by the George V in Paris. Founded by a woman from Israel whose facial expressions are restricted due to surgery, The Palace boasts opulent decorations, including a glass coffee table held up by a black statue. The CEO of The Ridge in Colorado revealed that the retirement home is guarded by custom-built equestrian statues that cost $125,000. However, beyond the extravagant decorations, the residents of these luxurious retirement homes enjoy a lavish lifestyle, indulging in lobster and T-bone steaks. One resident justified their luxury by asking, “Why shouldn’t I have the best?”

Not all residents in these retirement communities exhibit such entitled behavior. Rita, a former dancer in Colorado, remains active and vibrant at 97, emphasizing the importance of staying active as we age. Despite the superficial portrayal of the wealthy retirees in documentaries like this, there is a hint of tension at Danny House, a grand estate near the South Downs. Reminiscent of Downton Abbey, Danny House is filled with ancestral portraits and ambiance. Mike, a potential resident, is encouraged to move in by his partner Susan, who found love through a newspaper ad in The Telegraph. Their dynamic hints at a power dynamic, with Mike wearing red trousers while Susan seems to be the one in charge.