Program on the meals for more efficient exercise!

As it is know to those who exercise and to the athletes as well, meals should obey a strict program so the exercise is more efficient and there more dramatic results! Not only before the training but even after the exercise as well, meals should be specific and naturally at the right time.

NOTE: The non sufficient receipt of calories (due to an exhaustive and strict diet) may seem as an obstacle on your training program!

Why a diet prohibiting the carbohydrates could never match our exercise

As we have already mentioned it is very important to have energy so we could perform at the gym (otherwise our training is wasted). So a “poor” in carbohydrates nutrition might manage (even with a lot of effort) to fulfil all our day’s commitments but SURELY it is not sufficient to give us the energy required by our body to follow the training!

ATTENTION: The greatest source of energy is originated from the carbohydrates contained in our meals! The carbohydrates (the so called glycogen) in combination with the fat that we have stored in our body (in muscles, in adipose tissues and in liver), supply us with a sufficient amount of energy so the whole body can be activated!

Tip: If you want something stronger for faster results, check this supplement review from MedicalDaily

Which is the role of protein in a meal?

Receiving protein AFTER the training is very important! Following the exercise session, organism needs a high amount of protein, so it could promote the process of muscle recovering from possible injuries.

ATTENTION: Every meal after training should include at least 25% proteins!

The meal should not be immediately after the training! Ideally, the meal should take place 1 to 2 hours after the training session!

How I could prepare my own homemade protein supplement?

As it is known, legumes and in particular the beans, are a very good and of high concentration plant source of proteins!

What you need is boiled beans and an icebox. Take the ready made beans and add them in a blender. Mash them well. As soon as they become a puree, take the icebox and fill it up with this puree. Place the icebox in the deep freeze.

Now you are going to have ready ice cubes of protein which can easily be added in juices, smoothies, salads as dressing or even in soups!

NOTE: Every ice cube offers about 1.4 grams of protein (depending on the size of the icebox)!

TIP: When you follow an exercise program avoid the exhausting and inhuman diets which weaken your organism. A correct and balanced nutrition will give you energy and it will help much more to lose weight and to create a well shaped body!