Tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world as it has a sweet taste and aroma, and provides a soothing feeling. The beverage is also readily available in different forms like tea bags and loose leaf tea in online tea and coffee shop as well as local shops. The global consumption of this beverage in 2018 was about 273 billion liters, and it is forecasted to reach 297 billion by 2021, according to statista.com.

Now, the users of this beverage have another reason to love it more as there is an increasing number of studies and research backing that it is good for our health. One of the areas where drinking tea has shown considerable benefits is mental health. The major bioactive in the beverage, known as flavonoids, is the source of its mental health benefits. Below are some ways in which drinking the beverage can benefit your mental health.

Mental Benefits from Physical Benefits

Our physical well-being is greatly connected with our mental well-being. This way, the physical benefits of drinking tea can contribute to a better mental well-being. Studies have shown that regular consumption of this beverage promotes weight loss, improve our attention and alertness and contributes to cardiovascular health. All these physical benefits have a link to mental health since good heart health and the right bodyweight support brain function.

Soothing Stress

Drinking tea has also shown the ability to soothe our minds after a stressful event. A 2003 study about the anti-stress effects of oolong tea in women loaded with vigil reported that consuming 4 cups of oolong tea each day for a week decreased the symptoms of stress like headaches, stiffness of shoulders and fatigue of the eyes. Regular consumption of black tea has also shown to reduce stress hormone levels.

Creates Alertness and a Calm State of Mind

According to studies, the amino acid l-theanine found in tea promotes relaxation by altering the attention networks in the brain and brain waves. The advantage of tea-induced relaxation is that it does not cause drowsiness. A 2013 study about the acute effects of tea consumption on attention and mood reported that the subjects who drank tea felt more alert and produced better results in an attention task than those who drank placebo.

Green tea is known to give its users a more relaxed state of mind and improved concentration without the negative effects experienced by coffee users. Theanine has also shown positive results in reducing anxiety and treating schizophrenia.

Improving Cognition and Memory

Tea drinkers also have better cognitive performance and memory, thanks to the polyphenols found in the beverage. Some research shows that green tea helps in preventing the formation of the plaques that cause Alzheimer’s disease. It also helps in improving memory among the elderly. Older people who are at a high risk of Alzheimer’s can minimize the risk through regular intake of the beverage.

It Boosts Intellectual Capacity

If you are a student, you can improve your academic performance by making tea your favorite beverage. Older people who don’t consume the beverage can experience some difficulties when performing some daily tasks because they require both memory and attentiveness. Older people can avoid the difficult processes of boosting the combination of intellectual capacity and memory by drinking the beverage regularly.

Promotes Good Sleep

Nobody can be in a good state of mind the following day after a sleepless night. Sleep is an essential aspect of our life as it gives our body and mind time to relax and refresh. However, most people cannot sleep well nowadays due to our busy way of life. This condition has led to negative impacts such as increased stress and lack of concentration during the day. Luckily, a cup of tea in the evening after a busy day can help you combat this problem by allowing you to relax and sleep better.

It Alleviates Depression

Depression is a major mental disorder that affects millions of people around the world. Some of the minerals in tea (calcium, magnesium and fluorine) are believed to help reduce the severity of depression. So, anyone suffering from depression can use the beverage in order to enjoy the benefits of these minerals.

It Improves our Moods

Some of the mental health challenges that we face in our life are as a result of our moods. Sadness is a significant contributor to stress, and continued stress can lead to depression. However, you can avoid sadness and improve your mental health by enhancing your moods through regular consumption of this wonder beverage—good moods as also a source of happiness and a better quality of life.


Tea for mental health is one of the areas under numerous studies, and most have shown positive results. Drinking the beverage provides both short term and long-term benefits to the user. Short term benefits include alleviating depression, soothing stress, creating alertness and a calm state of mind and improving our moods. Long term mental health benefits, on the other hand, includes improving cognition and memory and helping to minimize the risk of Alzheimer’s among the elderly.

It is therefore advisable to drink the beverage more regularly to enjoy all the above benefits and improve your quality of life. Taking a cup of tea every morning and in the evening after work can be the simple life-saving act that you have been missing. Check out different types of tea from tea-and-cofee.com and find your perfect choice.