Before making a purchase, it is crucial to take the time to weigh all the options available. Avoid compulsive purchases by comparing product prices and qualities. This doesn’t necessarily mean choosing the cheapest item, but the one that offers the best value for money. Take a few minutes to do some research, especially if the purchase is significant for your budget. This will allow you to better assess the real value of what you buy and reduce unnecessary expenses.

Many people tend to focus on immediate pleasures over their financial future. Naming your “future self” can help make this version of yourself more tangible and strengthen your commitment to your savings goals. For example, avoiding small, everyday expenses like buying coffee out and making it at home can have a significant impact on your long-term savings.

Buying products outside of sales periods can hurt your budget. Waiting for promotional periods to make your purchases is an excellent strategy to save money and do good to your wallet. However, it is essential to know the initial price of the products to clearly evaluate the discounts offered. Some promotions can be misleading and cause you to spend more than you planned. Be vigilant and avoid being influenced by overly tempting offers! Please note that the next summer sales are just around the corner, get ready to start!

The Hawthorne effect, discovered during an old study carried out in the 1920s at the Hawthorne factory, still remains relevant today. 

What is it about ? Individuals improve their behavior when they know that they are being observed or that there will be consequences for their actions. To apply this principle to managing your finances, consider opening a joint savings account with a partner or regularly consulting a financial advisor. Knowing that someone else is looking at your finances inspires you to be more disciplined and thoughtful in your financial decisions.

An emergency fund is a financial reserve dedicated to unforeseen events and emergency situations. It is essential to set aside money specifically for these difficult times. No need to pay large sums every month; the important thing is to contribute regularly and progressively to this fund. Even small amounts add up over time and can be a valuable lifeline in a sudden need. Having this financial cushion allows you to manage crises without disrupting your daily budget.

By following these valuable tips from Harvard research, you can significantly improve your financial management and ensure greater economic stability.