Munich (dpa / lby) – Things are going well again in the Bavarian tourism industry. After two years with significant restrictions due to the corona pandemic, 3.6 million guests traveled to Bavaria in June, and the accommodation providers reported 9.8 million overnight stays. “That’s almost as many as before the corona pandemic in June 2019,” said the State Office for Statistics on Tuesday.

At that time, 3.9 million guests had booked almost 10 million overnight stays. Among domestic guests, the number of overnight stays at 8.3 million even slightly exceeded the value of June 2019. Around 1.5 million overnight stays were accounted for by guests from abroad, which was a quarter less than before Corona.

More than three quarters of the guests stayed in hotels, inns and guesthouses – just under a quarter in holiday apartments, youth hostels, in huts or on campsites. The most popular destination was Upper Bavaria, followed by Swabia, Middle Franconia and Lower Bavaria.

In the first half of 2022, 13.6 million guest arrivals and 37.8 million overnight stays were registered in Bavaria – “significantly more than in the same period of the previous year 2021, which was largely still characterized by the second corona lockdown”. All administrative districts and tourism regions recorded consistently positive rates of change, the state office announced.