Like every year, the Family Allowance Fund (CAF) reveals the date of payments for beneficiaries. In general, aid is paid every 5th of the month for the following social benefits: personalized housing assistance (APL) from which 5.9 million households benefit, active solidarity income (RSA) received by 2.1 million of people, the allowance for disabled adults (AAH) affected by 7.6 million households, the activity bonus affected by 4.50 million households and family allowances received by 11.7 million households in France.

But benefit payments may be delayed if this date falls during the weekend or on a public holiday. “The Family Allowance fund pays allowances to banking establishments on the 5th of each month. If the 5th falls on a Saturday or Sunday, Caf makes the payment on the nearest working day (excluding weekends and public holidays), specifies the organization. “Nevertheless, the actual payment into the recipients’ account varies depending on each banking establishment. Your account can be credited 3 days later”. 

If there is a problem paying your rights, you can contact a CAF advisor on 3230 (free service, cost of a call) or directly from your mobile application or on the website, in the “CAF my account” section. ”.

Discover in our slideshow below the dates of CAF payments for the year 2024.