The Japanese film Monster, in official competition at the Cannes Film Festival, was awarded the Queer Palm, an alternative prize for best LGBTQIA film, on Friday evening. This feature film by Japanese master Hirokazu Kore-eda, with which he is seeking a second Palme d’Or on Saturday May 27 after A Family Affair (2018), begins as a drama about bullying in the school environment, told from multiple points. of sight.

Its plot evolves towards a relationship of very close friendship, even love, sketched out between two young students, and filmed with great modesty, reminiscent in certain aspects of Close, a film by Belgian Lukas Dhont in competition at Cannes in 2022.

Monster was in the running among a dozen films, including Anatomy of a fall, by Justine Triet, or Le Temps d’aimer, by Katell QuillevĂ©rĂ©. The jury was chaired this year by American actor and director John Cameron Mitchell.

Created in 2010 by critic Franck Finance-Madureira, the Queer Palm rewards each year a film and short films dealing with LGBTQIA or feminist themes, among all the Cannes selections. In 2022, it was assigned to the Pakistani feature film Joyland.