In Australia’s second-largest city Melbourne has been announced due to the Corona pandemic, a nighttime curfew. The head of the government of the Federal state of Victoria, Daniel Andrews, said to journalists that the curfew would begin from Sunday every night at 20.00 (local time). It was until 5.00 am the following day. There are exceptions for people who drive to work or home, or the care of someone else.

inhabitants of Melbourne are only allowed to shop once a day and not more than an hour outside of Sport, and only within a radius of five kilometers of your home. “These are big steps, but they are necessary,” said Andrews. In the metropolis of Melbourne strict restrictions have been in place for weeks. Andrews said the disaster state, which the police and other authorities will receive additional powers.

The especially hard by the Corona pandemic affected the state of Victoria had reported on Thursday the highest number of new infections since the beginning of the crisis. Within 24 hours, of 723 cases were added. On Sunday, Andrews reported 671 new cases within a day. Victoria has around 6.7 million inhabitants.