Under the patronage of Antoine Dole, alias Mr. Tan, the brand new Le Point children’s book prize, which is launching its first edition this year, has brought together a jury made up of prestigious children’s authors: Mr. Tan, but also Baptiste Beaulieu, Anne Goscinny and Marie-Aude Murail. Three journalists from Le Point are also members of the jury: Christophe Ono-dit-Biot, Louise Cunéo and Élise Lépine.

Two works were crowned: one in the “album” category, rewarding an album dedicated to readers under the age of seven, and one in the “novel” category, dedicated to literature for adolescents. In addition, a “children’s favourite” also honored a book dedicated to 7 to 10 year olds, elected by a jury of children belonging to this age group.

This award is an opportunity for young readers to discover quality works. The prize will be awarded at the CNL on Thursday, June 22 as part of the launch of the Partir en Livre festival, of which Le Point is a partner.

by Matthieu Gargallo and Lucie Bryon (Sens Dessus Dessous editions, 40 p., €13.90)

The finalists:

– “Three Great Friends (on the very small path)”, by Nadine Brun-Cosme and Olivier Tallec (Flammarion jeunesse, coll. “Les albums du Père Castor”, 40 p., €13.90)

– “High tide, low tide”, by Max Ducos (Sarbacane, 48 p., €19.90)

– “Comme ça”, by Claire Lebourg (MeMo, 32 p., €16)

– “The Fern and the Bamboo”, by Marie Tibi and Jérémy Pailler (Kaleidoscope, 40 p., €13.50)

– “Winter Garden”, by Marie-Noëlle Letellier and Anja Klauss (Éditions des Éléphants, 32 p., €14)

by Delphine Bertholon (Albin Michel, 192 p., €14.90)

The finalists:

– “The Prophecy of the Serpent-Sisters”, by Isis Labeau-Caberia (Slalom, 400 p., €16.95)

– “Octave”, by Arnaud Cathrine (Robert Laffont, 400 p., €17.90)

– “Tears and foam”, by Stéphane Michaka (PKJ, 400 p., 18 €)

– “Under the stars of Bloomstone Manor”, by Mary Orchard (Casterman, 408 p., €16.90)

by Emmanuel Bourdieu (Flammarion Jeunesse, 200 p., €13)

The opinion of the jury (Paul, 10 years old, Kim, 9 years old, Apolline, 8 years old, Alma, 9 years old, and Roman, 8 years old)

“The author makes connections between details of John Lennon’s life and his own. It’s very touching. ” Novel

“Despite his difficult childhood, John Lennon was able to overcome the obstacles of life and become the great singer that my grandparents adore. Impressive ! » Kim

“This book doesn’t get lost in the details, the descriptions, it gives me room to imagine. As I love the Beatles, I’m happy to know about John Lennon’s childhood, even if it wasn’t easy. » Apollo

“I liked John, because he tells us everything about his life as a child. » Alma

The finalists:

– “Suzanne Griotte and the slug park”, by Thibault Bérard, illustrated by Clément Devaux (Gallimard Youth, 160 p., €13.50)

– “Zear of Bois-Joli.” Volume 1: Welcome to the Refuge”, by Claire Castillon, illustrated by Églantine Ceulemans (Albin Michel Jeunesse, 168 p., €11.90)