There’s nothing better than making your mom smile, is there? After all, your mom is the person who has, quite literally, always been there for you, through thick and thin, helping you figure out your journey through life. It’s wonderful that Mother’s Day provides an opportunity to show our love and appreciation for our moms, and nothing says, “I love you, Mom,” more than a gorgeous Mother’s Day bouquet.

Usually, Mother’s Day means that we invest a little more in a bouquet than we normally would. You don’t want to show your appreciation with a five-dollar bouquet of weepy carnations from the local mini-market, do you? That being said, you also might not feel like buying the perfect gift should entail emptying your bank account, either. So, how can you find a happy medium? If you’re thinking about Mother’s Day flowers and don’t know how much to budget for the blooms, read on for some bouquet buying tips.

Schedule a flower delivery to enjoy early-bird discounts.

If you go to the florist to pick out Mother’s Day flowers on Mother’s Day itself, you can be sure that you’ll pay the very most for red roses and tulips. That’s why planning is key when it comes to the perfect Mother’s Day gift that doesn’t bankrupt you. Flower delivery is a viable option, and you can even schedule your beautiful bouquet to arrive on the special day itself. You get the same popular flowers but without the day-of pricing. Plus, by planning a Mother’s Day bouquet delivery ahead of time, you can ensure that the florist won’t run out of your mom’s favorite blooms. Popular flowers like red roses, tulips, lilies, and sunflowers go pretty quickly, so taking care of a flower delivery ahead of time is the perfect way to ensure that a beautiful bouquet arrives at your mom’s door—and you don’t have to take out a second mortgage.

Talk to your local florist about a great affordable gift.


If you have a relationship with your local florist and trust their advice, another option is to chat with them about your options. Be clear about wanting to buy the best Mother’s Day gift for an affordable price and ask the florist what they think a good option is. Maybe you should go for a bouquet of daisies, sunflowers, and carnations instead of some rare orchids. The florist you trust will be able to help you customize your Mother’s Day bouquet and be considerate of your financial needs as well.

Forgo the vase and strawberries; buy more beautiful flowers instead.


One way to budget smartly is to forgo some add-ons like chocolates, strawberries, and a vase. Sure, fresh strawberries are great, but if you want to put more into the actual blooms themselves, maybe a gift set isn’t for you this year. Your mom probably has plenty of vase options for her flower bouquet, so if you want to buy lilies, tulips, or hydrangeas but can’t afford them with a vase, leave that part out. Sometimes budgeting means taking stock of your priorities, and Mother’s Day gift shopping is one of those cases.

It might seem hard to buy the perfect gift to light up your mom’s eyes on Mother’s Day and stay on budget at the same time, but it doesn’t have to be. The truth is, just knowing that her kid has taken the time to put thought into finding a Mother’s Day gift for her will be enough to make her have a happy Mother’s Day. Consider the above tips when you’re shopping, and you’ll find it easier than ever to get a unique gift for your mom’s special day.