
Keely Hodgkinson recently opened up about her struggles with depression following the high of winning an unexpected silver medal in the 800 meters at the Tokyo Olympics. Despite being only 19 years old at the time, she found herself facing a difficult comedown after achieving such a significant milestone.

In a candid interview on the High Performance Podcast, Hodgkinson revealed that she sought psychological help to cope with the emotional aftermath of the Games. She described feeling a sense of emptiness and sadness, as the thrill of her Olympic success faded away. Hodgkinson explained that everyday activities, like learning to play the piano and spending time with her family, became essential in helping her navigate through the tough times.

She admitted that she struggled to find joy in other aspects of her life, as the Olympic medal had set a high standard that was hard to match. Hodgkinson shared that she initially grappled with feelings of confusion and guilt, questioning why she was experiencing sadness when everything in her life seemed to be going well.

Despite these challenges, Hodgkinson persevered by focusing on the present moment and finding happiness in small, simple pleasures. She emphasized the importance of taking things day by day, setting achievable goals, and cultivating patience in her journey towards healing.

In addition to her personal struggles, Hodgkinson also reflected on the demanding schedule of elite athletics, with multiple championships lined up in a single summer. She highlighted the need to strike a balance between training rigorously and finding moments of peace and relaxation to avoid burnout.

Through her story, Hodgkinson hopes to inspire others to prioritize their mental well-being and seek support when facing difficult times. Her resilience and determination serve as a reminder that even the brightest stars face moments of darkness, but with perseverance and self-care, it is possible to overcome even the toughest challenges.