
FF and FG Battle for Largest Party Title as Hundreds of Seats Remain Unfilled in Local Elections

The local election results in Dublin have seen Fine Gael and the Green Party secure the first seats, with James Geoghegan and Hazel Chu being elected. Counting has resumed across the country, with hundreds of council seats yet to be filled. The European election counts are also set to begin, with 14 seats up for grabs in various constituencies.

So far, Fine Gael, Fianna Fáil, and Independent candidates have dominated the council seats declared. Fianna Fáil emerged as the largest party in Leitrim County Council, while Sinn Féin and Independent candidates made gains at the expense of Fine Gael. The counting of ballots is still ongoing, with more than 700 seats out of 949 yet to be filled.

Sinn Féin is expected to make gains compared to the 2019 local elections, but party figures are cautious about sweeping victories. The Coalition parties, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, are set to battle it out to be the largest party in local government. Green Party candidate Hazel Chu has been reelected to Dublin City Council, exceeding expectations.

Overall, the election results have shown a mixed bag for various parties, with Labour sources optimistic about their performance in certain areas. The far-right candidates did not see a significant breakthrough, despite immigration being a prominent issue during the campaigning period.

In the European Parliament elections, early tallies suggest Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael candidates are performing well in different constituencies. The race for the Limerick City mayor position is also heating up, with Independent candidates leading the way.

As the counting continues and more results come in, the battle for the largest party title between Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael remains at the forefront of the local elections. Stay tuned for more updates on the unfolding election results.