The risk to have an accident in the mountains, goes back to the findings of the German Alpine club (DAV) more. The Association has recorded in the season in 2019, significantly less accidents of members than in the previous year. The mountain accident statistics of the DAV, which was presented in Munich on Wednesday, with 877 of 100 cases less than 2018. The accident rate was the lowest since 20 years. Particularly striking is the reduction in the number of winter sports accidents.

Bernd Steinle

editor in the Department “Germany and the world”.

F. A. Z.

The decrease was also due to the extreme situation in the Northern Alps in January of last year, as in many counties because of the heavy snow disaster have been alarm, said Stefan Winter, head of Department for sport development in the DAV. Road closures, ski area closures and durable high avalanche danger have led to “significantly fewer winter sports enthusiasts were on-the-go”. Only one percent of all recorded accidents decreased in 2019 on an avalanche accident.

However, the number of deaths rose in the mountain sport, to 54, which were 23 more than in the season of 2018. The largest proportion (43 percent) was spent on the walkers – “but it’s go also, 80 percent of our 1.3 million members of the Hiking,” said Winter. The causes of accidents were failure in four out of five cases, a fall or physical problems such as cycle. Men are victims about twice as often fatal as women – a finding that has been confirmed for years and according to surveys, especially with higher risk-taking and decision-making of joy of men and relationships. Despite the increase in the rate of 0.004 percent of fatal accidents was based on the number of members in a long-term comparison is still very low, so the Winter – “even if each individual case is tragic”.