
A police officer, Shamraze Arshad, has been found guilty of having a sexual relationship with a vulnerable student. Arshad, who worked for Greater Manchester Police, was convicted of misconduct in public office by a jury at Liverpool Crown Court. The court heard that Arshad met the 21-year-old student after being called to her home for a welfare check. Despite being off duty, Arshad used his position to contact the young woman and eventually began an intimate and sexual relationship with her.

The jury took just 75 minutes to reach a unanimous decision, leaving Arshad visibly shaken. The prosecution argued that Arshad had taken advantage of the student’s vulnerabilities and had abused his position as a police officer to satisfy his own desires. Arshad denied the allegations but was found guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice and unauthorized access to the police computer.

Arshad’s actions were condemned by the judge, who warned him to expect a lengthy prison sentence. Despite being a father of two and having a pregnant partner, Arshad’s actions have led to his dismissal from the police force. The court heard that Arshad had breached his bail conditions by attempting to contact the young woman after his arrest.

The case has raised concerns about the abuse of power by those in authority and the vulnerability of individuals in crisis. The verdict sends a strong message that such behavior will not be tolerated and that those who misuse their positions will face serious consequences. Arshad’s conviction serves as a reminder of the importance of upholding the law and protecting the most vulnerable members of society.