around the star IQ Tau, only two million years, orbit four worlds as big as Jupiter and Saturn

The orbits of these four worlds are the most extreme of the observed up to now

is The first moon out of the Solar System?

500 light years is a young star around which they revolve at least four giant planets. Their sizes are comparable to that of Jupiter and Saturn, the most massive in our solar system and, as they say its discoverers, until now, had not been in such as many worlds as big around the same star.

it is Not the only record that was awarded to this team of astrophysicists from the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. The orbits of these four worlds are the most extreme of the observed up to now: the planet outside is a thousand times further from its star than the innermost world which, they argue, raises interesting questions about how it has been formed a system of these characteristics.

The star in question is called CI Tau and that is young is because he has only two million years old. For scientists, a baby. “It is a star remarkably similar to our sun in mass (92% approximately), so that it is interesting that this planetary system is so different,” he points out in this diary Cathie Clarke, astrophysics of the University of Cambridge and lead author of this research, published in Astrophysical Journal Letters.

class=”icon-foto_16_g”> Map thermal of the moon Europa ALMAUN THERMAL MAP OF THE MOON EUROPA

The small Europe, one of the moons frost of Jupiter, has become one of the most interesting sites in the Solar System for its potential to host some type of life.

Now, based on a collection of images taken by the radio telescope ALMA, scientists have produced a map of the temperature variations on the surface of this world ice cream, which they presented yesterday in the journal Astronomical Journal. His study shows that in Europe, the thermometer does not rise from -160 degrees in the area more warm and has identified a particularly cold in the northern hemisphere.