The choice in Dating Apps is huge. There are indeed many fish in the sea. As we now know, but also a lot of plastic. The good catches you have to find. In the case of the question, which throws you loot directly back into the water, it is, of course, what you are looking for. For me there are obvious Red Flags: He doesn’t even say Hello before he asks about my sexual fantasies? No, thank you. He asks directly to the Nude photos? Please go on, there’s nothing here to see. With these Standards I’m me, and that alone says a lot about the corporate culture at Tinder, in comparison to my copulation consent age before enjoyed almost stuffy. “So Dating stop is Online,” says my best friend. For me, there is no reason to make any claims.

everything works but if the texts are harmless, or even exciting? You meet. And experienced the most bizarre things. The following is my personal Best-of-Five of Horror Dates. The names of the men I’ve changed, of course.

seat 5: The political Disaster

The first Hello magical, Philipp is really cute. We can smell good, talk about this and that. But after a while I discovered that Philip makes me not only question, shows no interest. Instead, he interrupts me in almost every sentence, and noticed it not once. Multiple and increasingly annoyed notes, I would like to make, show no effect. Really unpleasant it will be, as we return to the issue of domestic violence. I’m a scandalous manner, of the opinion that victims of violence, men should not be in women’s shelters accommodated. “That’s just discriminatory,” says Philipp, spit it outright. He is really angry. That women’s shelters as places of refuge had to be painstakingly of women fought for: the void. Finally, the unions have let women play. So we find, on several levels.