in the face of rising Corona-Pay is also on Mallorca and the other Balearic Islands, the fear of a Corona to be a risk area. If the infection numbers on the with German tourists popular island group continue to rise as in the past, could this soon be the case, wrote the German “Mallorca Zeitung” on Wednesday. For the extreme tourism-dependent Islands that would be another major blow. Before the end of July, arranged Quarantine requirement in the UK for returnees from Spain had sparked a slump in bookings.

on Tuesday evening the Foreign office had extended to numbers in Berlin the travel warning for parts of Spain to Madrid and the Spanish Basque country because of the “re-Infection is high”. Already since the end of July a German warning against travel to three other Spanish regions, including Catalonia with the tourist metropolis of Barcelona and the beaches of the Costa Brava is. This usually happens when the number of Corona-new infections exceeds the mark of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants within seven days.