We know very well that every parent relishes the idea of teaching their kids the art of swimming. However, there are reasons to suggest that your kids will gain more when a professional is in the picture. Except you’re a retired professional yourself, it’s best to let the pros handle it for their safety.

Today, we look at 5 ways professional guidance impacts the swimming lessons and journey of your eager aqua lads.

The Perks of Professional Guidance in Kids’ Swimming

1. Trainers Can See What the Kids Can’t

The thing about professional swimmers is that they’ve developed a keen eye and so can spot any lapse in training. That’s why they’re better suited to teaching the kids how to swim. While you may not notice minor errors and incorrect forms, a pro will easily spot them and offer the correct solutions. In the end, it’s easier for kids to develop their skills to perfection.

2. Kids Tend To Pay More Attention

Let’s face it, your kids aren’t always the most attentive when receiving instructions from you. Now picture how tedious it’d be to get them to listen when it seems like you are all having fun in the water. However, this isn’t the case with professional guidance.

Since they’re dealing with instructors or teachers, they immediately adopt a serious approach to the lessons and practice.

3. Kids Feel Safe under the Guidance of a Professional

Nothing is more important than your kids’ safety in the water. It’s also important for kids to feel that sense of safety when trying out their skills in the pool. With professional guidance, you and your kids can be as calm as a lake knowing you’re in safe hands.

At the same time, your kids will be learning in a controlled environment so risks and hazards will be minimised effectively. That way, your kids can swim with peace of mind.

4. Swimming Lessons Are More Engaging

When you employ professionals to teach your kids the sport, it makes it easier for them to fall in love faster. What better way to brush up your skills than under the guidance of trained and experienced professionals?

Your kids will be treated to various lessons and techniques in the pool, thus creating a learning atmosphere. And since there are different lessons every day, your kids will always look forward to the next lesson.

5. Opportunity to Learn Swimming with Their Peers

When you enrol your kids for swimming programmes like those offered at Higgins Aquatics, you’re introducing your kids to a new environment. And with a new environment comes a new set of learning mates. When this happens, your kids feel comfortable and free of anxiety, knowing that they’re not alone in the learning process.

Learning alongside peers also triggers your children to develop healthy competition. As a result, the swimming classes are more engaging, and the results are more than positive.


You can always spend time swimming with the kids (who knows, you might be the one learning new skills from them); it’s a great way to practice what they learn from professionals. At the same time, it’s vital to encourage safety when the kids try out swimming. After all, it’s safety first and fun second.