For more than 10 years, investments in agricultural land have been higher than Livret A. The latter was finally raised to 3% in 2023. As for the average gross rental yield on agricultural investments, it gained “0.16 points in 2023” with an increase to 2.84%, “after remaining for 5 years at the floor level of 2.7%”, according to the report for the year 2023 established by the National Federation of Safer (Land Development Companies and rural settlement). But in certain departments, agricultural land investment continues to bring in more than the preferred investment of the French. Discover them in the slideshow below. 

Despite a small drop, the agricultural rental rate continues to establish itself as one of the particularly safe investments. As Econostrum points out, the rate of investments in agricultural land “still remains higher than the return on other investments with guaranteed rates (Home Savings Plan) and that of life insurance in euro funds”. It remains particularly in good shape in certain departments and brings in more than the Livret A in the heart of these regions.

It was in 2023 that agricultural land investment fell below Livret A following the increase in the rate of the latter. Indeed, last year, this rate increased from 2% to 3% to improve purchasing power and generate a shield against inflation. Its average rate has been 2.92% since 2023. In departments where agricultural land investment remains above Livret A, “the high price of land maintains a low rental yield (less than 2.5%).

We take stock for you in our slideshow with the list of departments where agricultural land investment yields more than the Livret A.