With the debate, then, is missing. But the topic of Tönnies and the location in Gütersloh hardly a German miss in these days in Spain. Concerned, many Spaniards keep track of the recent Corona-onset, of all places in the country, this is for you the role model in the fight against the pandemic: If it is in the end even Germany fails to stop the Virus to put a stop, as it is supposed to create then Spain, with more than 28,000 dead? The fear of a second wave is great. Here, in Spain, unlike the neighboring country of Portugal – and only small foci of infection. In Madrid, there has been on Saturday for the first time since the outbreak of the pandemic, within one day, not a single new case of death – the capital with more than 8400 dead and nearly 72,000 of proven infections is the Corona, the hardest hit Region of the country.

Hans-Christian Rößler

Political correspondent for the Iberian Peninsula and the Maghreb, with its headquarters in Madrid.

F. A. Z.

However, the caution is great. This can be seen already in the case of a Sunday stroll in the Retiro Park. Most of the people voluntarily face masks. About every third person is even in spite of the summer temperatures of more than 30 degrees to the particularly dense and sweaty FFP2 masks. Actually, the mask is mandatory in Spain, only in buses, trains and at places, where the minimum distance cannot be adhered to.

“The society would understand the restrictive measures much better,” says the Catalan epidemiologist Antoni Trilla about the Virus. Unlike in Germany, where output restrictions as a “deprivation of liberty” were criticised, showed 88 per cent of the Spaniards in the most recent survey of state of the CIS-Institute for understanding for the much more drastic restrictions in force in your country for several months.

distrust and caution dominate, even after the end of the alarm condition a week ago. “I’m doing this year, no holiday in my holiday apartment in Benidorm,” said a Kiosk owner in the Retiro Park. The images of overcrowded British beaches have contributed to this. “I don’t trust the British tourists,” says the Spaniard who does not believe that the guests in the seaside resort in Alicante, responsible behavior. Only a quarter of all Spaniards want to go according to the CIS survey this summer on vacation. If so, then you want to preferably with your own car in the second apartment on the coast. Air travel deters the vast majority – no matter whether on one of the Islands or abroad.

On the beaches is an unusual amount of space

the Balearic Islands and the Canary Islands could therefore be plenty of space for the foreign tourists, the return only slowly. Hoteliers and restaurant owners are eagerly waiting for you, while not only the state emergency coordinator Fernando Simon warns of the “Import” of new infections: From anxiety, to during your holiday in quarantine, you could do without it, at the Corona-like symptoms, consult a doctor. In the capital region, the ruling conservative people’s party (PP) continues to make a negative PCR Test for the condition for entry to Spain. At the Madrid Barajas airport, the PP thinks it is indispensable, because it is for a lot of people from Latin America, where the Virus still rages, the gateway to Europe.