Following computer bugs, some taxpayers were unable to complete their tax returns online. As such, Bercy granted additional time to certain taxpayers.

For taxpayers living in departments 1 to 19, as well as non-residents in France, an additional period is granted. Indeed, the deadline was initially set for Thursday, May 23, before midnight. But from now on, they will have until Thursday, May 30, 2024, before midnight to declare the income they received in 2023. 

Here is the list of departments concerned: 

People who have experienced difficulty declaring their professional income such as non-commercial profits (BNC) and industrial and commercial profits (BIC) are concerned. “Unavailability of the online declaration of professional income of the BNC and BIC type: postponement of the declaration deadline to May 30 for the professionals concerned in zone 1 (departments 01 to 19 and non-residents)”, indicates the Ministry of Economy and Finance on X.

Thus, those who do not receive BIC and/or BNC type income and who have not respected the initial deadline of May 23, incur sanctions linked to late declarations.

For taxpayers outside this area, online tax filing deadlines remain unchanged. Thus, for departments ranging from 20 to 54, the deadline is set for Thursday May 30, 2024, before midnight. For departments ranging from 55 to 976, the deadline is still set for June 6, 2024, at 11:59 p.m.

For taxpayers who declare on paper, the deadline was Tuesday, May 21, 2024, before midnight. Only people who do not have internet access in their main residence or those who have internet access but are not able to make their declaration online can do so on paper. 

“If you declare your income late, you will have to pay penalties, an increase in your taxes and possibly late payment interest,” specifies the public service.

A progressive increase is applied if you declare your income late and in the event of formal notice.