After the passage of the “first wave” on Thursday May 23, where 19 departments had to declare their taxes on their 2023 income, the time has now come to “zone 2”, which this time concerns no less than 35 departments. Discover them in our slideshow at the end of the article. 

The rules are strict and depend on the number of days late. Here is what you incur, according to the official website: 

It is also possible to make changes to your income tax return, in the event of an oversight or error. You may, for example, enter the wrong box for alimony, forget the income of your dependent children for possible exemptions, or incorrectly deduct retirement savings payments, says Money-Vox. . You have the possibility to modify all these careless errors until the declaration deadline of your department of residence. 

Here in our slideshow below are the 35 departments of zone 2, which have until May 30, 11:59 p.m., to declare their 2023 income. A final phase, “zone 3”, will then end on June 6 next.