The “terrifying descent ballistic” in the Soyuz spacecraft

The full recovery of the two astronauts do not take more than two days

The NASA astronaut Nick Hague and cosmonaut Alexei Ovchinin iran is expected to the International Space Station (ISS, for its acronym in English) in the next spring after the failed launch this Thursday, has directed the director general of the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin.

“we’re back in the City of the Stars. The guys will fly definitely. We plan your flight for the spring of next year,” tweeted Rogozin on his official account on the social network Twitter.

After the failed launch of the Soyuz MS-10 on Thursday, Hague and Ovchinin spent the night after a medical examination on Baikonur, in Kazakhstan, where the cosmódromo Russian, to be transferred this Friday to the Star City on the outskirts of Moscow, a complex that houses the Training Center Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

Minutes after launch, the Soyuz MS-10 had to undertake the return journey by an abnormality in the propeller.

During the descent, the Hague and Ovchinin were exposed to a force of acceleration equal to 7g (seven times the force of gravity), but the doctors have indicated that the two are in good condition.

The deputy head of the Federal Agency Medical and Biological, Vyacheslav Rogozhinkov, has told journalists that the full recovery of the two astronauts do not take more than two days.

The Soyuz MS-10 was going to the ISS for a mission of six months, and the Hague and Ovchinin was going to add to the three crew members who are already in the platform, orbital international, so that the flight plans have to be reviewed after the incident on Thursday.

Roscosmos said it will try to accelerate the upcoming launch manned -a different one to that of the Hague and Ovchinin – as much as possible, while the astronauts currently on the ISS, Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency (ESA), the engineer of the NASA Serena Auñón-Chancellor and the Russian Sergey Prokópiev, they have enough supplies like water and food to cover their needs until the next flight.

on Thursday, was not in doubt and the launch of the freighter Progress, planned for the next day 31, but the executive director of Roscosmos to the Programs Manned, Sergey Krikalyov, said today that perhaps a delay of the flight “a little”.