In Majorca, the popular holiday island of the Germans, are always registered more Corona cases. During the last seven days the number of new infections climbed, according to the Spanish Ministry of health as of Friday, more than 50 per 100,000 inhabitants. In such a case, the Robert-Koch Institute explained previously, regions of the Corona-risk areas. It could follow a travel warning of the foreign office for Mallorca and the other three Balearic island of Ibiza, Menorca and Formentera.

According to official data of the regional health authority there are currently more than 1500 Corona cases on the Islands, with a total of approximately 1.15 million inhabitants. In the past 24 hours 264 new HIV infections had been registered, wrote the “Mallorca Zeitung” on Friday. Thus, the limit of 50 infections per 100,000 inhabitants has been exceeded during the past seven days. The regional government points out, however, that much more than in the spring will be tested and the most Affected, showed no to only slight symptoms of the disease.