
Tonight on BBC Two at 10 pm, viewers will be treated to a new show called “Spent” featuring model turned stand-up comic and actor Michelle de Swarte. The show follows Mia, a model facing financial struggles, as she returns to Brixton after bankruptcy and takes on the job of dog-sitting. The storyline revolves around Mia trying to hide her financial troubles while navigating her new reality. The show promises to be sharp, funny, and a great watch for those looking for an easy binge.

Following that, on Channel 4 at 10 pm, the third season of the Russian period drama “The Great” will air. The show picks up with Catherine realizing she did not kill her husband but his double instead. The storyline takes a comedic turn as the couple navigates couples’ therapy and tries to bring order back to the court.

Over on ITV1 at 9 pm, “Long Lost Family” will kick off a new series with heartwarming stories of individuals searching for their long-lost loved ones. The show delves into personal stories intertwined with British social history, making for an emotional and insightful watch.

For fans of fantasy dramas, “House of the Dragon” on Sky Atlantic at 9 pm offers a thrilling episode with Ser Criston Cole and Daemon making strategic moves in the ongoing war. The series promises to keep viewers on the edge of their seats with its high-budget production and engaging storyline.

Later in the evening, on BBC One at 10.40 pm, “We Hunt Together” returns with a new case for Mendy and Franks, featuring a gripping cat-and-mouse crime thriller plot. The show, which blends elements of Killing Eve, is sure to keep viewers entertained with its suspenseful storyline.

For those looking for a movie night, BBC Three at 10 pm will showcase “Escape Room: Tournament of Champions,” a horror movie sequel to the 2019 hit. The film follows the story of individuals trapped in an escape room, adding a twist to the classic horror genre with its unique premise.

In the world of sports, cycling enthusiasts can tune in to Eurosport 1 at 11.50 am for live coverage of the Women’s Giro d’Italia stage two, promising an exciting and competitive race from Sirmione to Volta Mantovana.