Substance abuse spans every religion, race, gender, and income level and the impact can be devastating. An addict is not a bad person because they have the addiction but it can cause them to do some less than savory things. There is a chance that your teen is experimenting with drugs or alcohol so keeping an eye on them is important. The best thing that can happen is that you catch them early in their addiction before it worsens. Addiction can become so bad that it feels nearly impossible for the addict to get out of their current situation. The following are things that you should do if you think your teen is developing a substance abuse problem.

Don’t Deny The Signs

Signs of addiction can be obvious but most of the time the person suffering from the addiction tries to hide it. If your teen exhibits loss of interest in people or activities they once enjoyed this can be a sign. Moody teenagers are common but they usually find pleasure in something besides being a teenager with angst. The friends of your teen can provide information without saying anything if you know their friends well.

Find A Lawyer If They Are Arrested

The worst thing that your teen can do in their addiction is have a permanent impact on their future. An arrest can do this whether it is for drug possession, DUI, or theft it is important to call upon a criminal defense lawyer. This lawyer can help reduce the charges or even help get your teen into a court appointed rehabilitation program in lieu of jail. Do not go to court without a lawyer or with a public defender as this is asking for trouble. Your teen seeing a light in their future can be enough to convince them to get the help that they need.

Open Communication

If your teen cannot go to you for help then who can they go to? If they know all you are going to do is try to punish and lecture them they could hide the signs of addictions for months or even years. We tend to leave our teens alone as privacy is especially important to teens. Chat with your teen about addiction and let them know they won’t be in trouble if they admit to using to you. This open line of communication could be extremely valuable in the addiction later down the road if your teen wants and knows they need help.

Stage An Intervention If Necessary

Staging  an intervention should not be the last course of action as sometimes this is the shock to the system that the addict needs. They could have thought that you did not notice their downward spiral so this could be a huge surprise for them. This is not the time to be combative as an interventionist will let you know as it is time to be loving yet firm. You teen’s life is at stake so do not think that your family is too good for an intervention.

The above are tips for dealing with your teen that has a substance abuse problem. Use the above tips and help your teen today!