
Companies with High Debt Levels on the Rise, Study Shows

NEW YORK — A recent study has revealed a concerning trend in the business world, with the rise of “zombie” firms increasing by 30%. These companies, burdened with excessive debt, are barely staying afloat and struggling to meet their financial obligations. The analysis, conducted by the Associated Press, identified nearly 7,000 publicly traded companies worldwide, with 2,000 of them located in the United States alone.

The surge in zombie firms can be attributed to years of accumulating cheap debt, coupled with persistent inflation that has driven borrowing costs to their highest levels in a decade. As a result, many of these struggling companies are now facing the imminent challenge of repaying hundreds of billions of dollars in loans that they may not have the resources to cover.

Experts are sounding the alarm on the potential consequences of this growing trend, warning that these weak and indebted companies are at risk of collapse. Miami investor Mark Spitznagel expressed concern, stating that “the clock is ticking” for these vulnerable firms. The impact of the pandemic has further exacerbated the financial strain on these companies, with many sectors, including airlines, hospitality, and real estate, experiencing significant challenges.

The rise of zombie firms poses a threat not only to the companies themselves but also to the broader economy. In the event of bankruptcies or closures, millions of jobs could be at risk, as evidenced by the recent spike in corporate bankruptcies in several countries. While some believe that central bank interventions, such as interest rate cuts, could provide temporary relief for these companies, others argue that the underlying issues of excessive debt and poor financial management need to be addressed.

The phenomenon of zombie firms highlights the risks associated with excessive borrowing and mismanagement of funds, particularly in times of economic uncertainty. As investors continue to pour money into these struggling companies, there is a growing concern that they may face significant losses in the future. The long-term implications of this trend remain uncertain, with experts divided on the best course of action to prevent a widespread financial crisis.

In conclusion, the proliferation of zombie firms underscores the importance of prudent financial management and sustainable business practices. As companies navigate the challenges posed by mounting debt levels, it is crucial for stakeholders to prioritize long-term stability and resilience in the face of economic volatility.

Information for this article was contributed by James Robson of The Associated Press.