Cheryl Matthews, Oakland County Circuit Judge, stated that James and Jennifer Crumbley were hiding their whereabouts by their actions prior to their December 4th arrest at a Detroit commercial building.

Matthews stated that the defendants indicated they were distraught when they learned of the son’s actions, felt unsafe at home, and felt harassed by the media. Matthews agreed. “The chronology of events occurring after the defendants left their home is inconsistent with cooperation with law enforcement.”

After being charged with involuntary murder , the Crumbleys disappeared that day. They are charged with failing to secure a gun at home and failing care to their son when he was in mental distress. They have pleaded guilty.

Matthews stated that law enforcement does not have to schedule an appointment with defendants once a warrant is issued. It is the responsibility of the police to make sure that a safe, swift and secure arrest takes place. They were trying to hide their whereabouts by premeditating their actions.”

Their attorneys requested that the Crumbleys’ bonds be reduced from $500,000 each to $100,000 each. They stated that they would appeal Matthews’ bond ruling and would seek a change in venue as the case moves to trial. This is tentatively set to start Oct. 24.

Defense attorneys Shannon Smith and Mariell lehman had earlier written that the Crumbleys were “absolutely shocked parents who had every reason to foresee” what would happen.

Oakland County’s prosecutor opposed a lower bond for Crumbleys. He noted that a similar request was rejected by a judge at a lower court.

Following Tuesday’s hearing, Karen McDonald, Prosecutor, stated to reporters that “the claim that they weren’t trying to flee” was not credible. “Turning your back on yourself is always the best option. It is not possible to avoid being prosecuted or claim that you will always return to court.

Ethan Crumbley (age 16) is being charged with murder and other offenses. The Nov. 30 shooting resulted in four deaths and many more injuries.

McDonald’s Tuesday said that her office had spent the last few weeks visiting with the parents of Oxford High students who were killed and their children who were injured. They also met with survivors of the attack.

McDonald’s told reporters that “the one thing they really want” is certainty. He said the Crumbleys would be held responsible for their actions. “There are many issues in that community, and for your child to be shot at school is an awful thing. I don’t think that we’re wired to comprehend it.”

She said that none of this should affect the couple’s rights to a fair trial.