Police and prosecutors have charged a 14-year-old boy from Washington with attempted assault after he tied his belt around the neck of his teacher during class.

The incident took place at Bethel High School, Spanaway, Wa. on March 2. The incident occurred between the student, his teacher of physical education.


According to the probable cause affidavit, the teacher stated that the boy approached her from behind and threw his belt around the neck of her. The teacher reached for the belt and looked up to see the boy standing next to her.

She inquired about the reason he did that to her. He said “all he had was sorry”, she explained to law enforcement, according the affidavit.

According to the affidavit, the teacher was afraid and ran to her office in search of help.

The Pierce County Sheriff’s Office was dispatched to the scene. According to the affidavit, deputies stated that the teacher was visibly shaken and still crying when they reached her.

Deputies were told by the teacher that she did not feel her airway being blocked or that her breathing was restricted during the attack. It is not known if the teacher sustained any serious injuries.

In a statement to police, the student stated that she was dumbly taking her belt and causing trouble with the teacher at the gym by pulling it up and putting it over her heads.”

One student also reported to deputies that he asked his friends and him before the attack if he should wear the belt on the teacher. Another student stated that the student replied, “It’s a joke,” when the teacher asked him why.

According to the affidavit, video of the incident was in agreement with the teacher’s statements.

Adam Farber, Pierce County Prosecuting Attorney, told NBC News that the boy was taken into custody and charged with attempted assault in second degree.

Farber stated that he pleaded not guilty to the charges and was released to his parents.

According to the prosecuting attorney’s office, he was not assigned a lawyer yet.

His pretrial conference will be held March 16.

NBC News reached Bethel High School, Bethel School District and for comments.