Every year in spring, there is panic. We must complete the form for declaring our income for the past year online or in paper format on a fixed date, depending on their department of residence. A process which can be a source of stress for certain taxpayers.  And the recent addition of a new check box at the time of declaration does not make things any easier. Since last year, the income declaration has been accompanied by a new rule which, if not respected, will cost you a fine of 150 euros, recalls the Pleine Vie site.

What is it? All owners must declare their real estate, whether occupied or not. Since 2023, a new form has been introduced by the tax authorities with a tolerance of application for the first year, but from now on it will be more rigorous.

“House, apartment, cellar, parking and box, all property is concerned,” lists the government website, reported by Pleine Vie. As a reminder: although the housing tax for main residences has been abolished, it applies to secondary dwellings and those which are rented out.

All you need to do is go to your personal space on the impots.gouv.fr website. Next, click on the tab titled: Manage My Real Estate and click on Real Estate. Then, choose Declaration of residence and enter the type of occupation, duration and identity of the occupants. If it is a rental, you will need to provide the amount of rent, excluding charges. Beware! If you cheat or make a mistake when declaring your income, you risk a heavier penalty.  Checking this box allows the tax administration to know if you are up to date on property tax, tax on vacant housing and housing tax on second homes. 

This approach is of course obligatory and concerns all home owners, but also social landlords, usufructuary owners, joint owners and SCIs. However, bare owners are exempt from this obligation. Please also note that if you reside in France or abroad, you must still declare your assets if they are on French territory, the site also reminds. Furthermore, in the event of a change of tenant or the status of a property, you must notify the tax administration, finally reports Le Midi Libre.