Garbajosa announces the creation of the ‘Hall of Fame’ in Spanish, in addition to a change in the corporate image in the FEB

Eventually, with an enormous success (organizational and sports), the women’s World Cup in Tenerife, and it might be time for a rest. But the Spanish Federation of Basketball is not meant to stop moving. After being elected president of the FEB ago, a year and a half and of having to face, among other problems, the severe financial crisis of the entity, Jorge Garbajosa aims to renew the body, away from stages past and looking with ambition to the future. In this sense, this Thursday, has been presented in the Space 2014 in Alcobendas four important releases.

The most eye-catching is the new brand image of the FEB. Behind is the legendary lion, emerges a heart, which from 1 January will be the logo only and definitive of the entity. Reflection of “a new way of thinking”, in the words of José Antonio Montero, executive vice president. “We have been working on it for months, and we believe that it is an image much more intelligent, dynamic, versatile, and with a clear message for the future”, said about the new logo.

In sports, other news. A new structure that will affect the selection of men. It has to do with the departure of Sergio Scariolo to the Raptors. Jose Ignacio Hernandez happens to be organizing director (it already was of the female) and the Italian remains in his position as coach and athletic director. There will have charge of two assistants. Alberto Lorenzo (former coach of Great Britain and former Students) as responsible for the selections U16 up to U20. And David Soria from the U12 to U15.

finally, Garbajosa announced the celebration of its annual Gala dinner of the Spanish basketball -the first will be in June – and the creation of the Hall of fame to recognize “personalities, clubs, players, coaches, and any entity that has been significant and important to basketball.” To do so, a jury has yet to be defined will propose the revenue of 12 people related to the basket of the homeland, which will occur two times a year. There will also be a popular vote. The next month of December will be announced the first list of income and in march or April, is scheduled to open this eye-catching hall of fame.

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