Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro has learned from his own Corona of infection, obviously, nothing: If the head of state Visited in Bagé in the South of Brazil wearing a mask, came close to his followers, but with a few steps and shook numerous hands, such as the Portal “G1” reported on Friday. Pictures of the event collections are to be seen, with several dozen people. Bolsonaro showed in the appearance, according to the G1 in addition, the controversial malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which he advocated for the Covid-19-treatment.

Bolsonaro had announced more than three weeks ago that he was infected with the Coronavirus. Since then, he has led the office from the quarantine in the presidential residence in Brasília. Several Tests were positive, on Saturday he tweeted then, a new Test for him was negative. In a Live broadcast on Thursday evening, he said that he had felt after the Corona-contagion, weak and in quarantine, “mold in the lungs” captured. The right-wing populist head of state had dismissed the Coronavirus several times as a “slight flu”. Meanwhile, his President’s wife, Michelle, was tested positive to the Virus.

After his recovery, the President is in a kind of campaign mode. After he had inaugurated on Thursday in the North – East – traditionally the territory of the left workers ‘ party, the PT, among other things, a System for the supply of water, he opened on Friday, nearly 4000 kilometres away in the South of the state social housing.