Only three months before the election has replaced America’s President Donald Trump and his campaign Manager. Bill Stepien will take over the management of the campaign, the former chief Brad Parscale will take over Digital and social networks, said Trump on Wednesday evening via Twitter. Both had worked for years, good for him, he explained further.

The surprising change of personnel is likely to also be associated with the least, for the Republicans, Trump’s very bad poll values together. Recent surveys give the designated candidate of the Democrats, Joe Biden, a very solid tab. Up to the election on may 3. November, but it’s still a good three months, which still leaves a lot of room for Surprises.

Trump shows unbeeinruckt

opinion polls show that a majority of the electorate is not impressed by trump’s handling of the Coronavirus pandemic. The pandemic in the United States is more out of control and improvement seems to be currently every day, tens of thousands of new infections per day is not in sight. Within 24 hours were registered according to the Johns Hopkins University on the Wednesday evening 67.632 new infection cases. The number of the Corona of the dead had increased to 795 to more than 137.200. Only on Saturday, the United States, with over 66,500 Corona-had a peak at the daily findings of new infections recorded.

Trump rejects the bad poll numbers. He points out that polls in 2016, predicted a victory for his then – opponent, Hillary Clinton, and thus were proven wrong. In his Tweet he said that the victory in this year should be easier than the one four years ago, “because our survey to rise fast”.