President Biden faced criticism for eliminating his face mask whilst seeing the Lincoln Memorial on Wednesday night after signing an executive order requiring masks federal property to protect against the spread of coronavirus.

“Wearing masks is not a partisan issue — it is a patriotic action which may save millions of lives. That is why I signed an executive order now devoting a mask mandate on national property.

Conservatives were quick to phone Biden out.

“Can Joe Biden’s new executive order mandating masks federal property not use to Joe Biden while he is on national property?

“Biden signed a mask requiring everybody who’s on federal property to need to wear masks.

Biden’s executive order, the”100-day masking challenge,” will demand social and masks distancing in most federal buildings, on all national land and from federal workers and contractors, and on trains, airlines and transit systems traveling between nations.

Even though a president can’t tell local and state officials what to need, Biden’s arrangement will urge nations to enact their particular mandates.

Throughout his inaugural speech, the new commander in chief cautioned that the country’s”mysterious and most lethal” coronavirus pandemic times might be ahead of it.