Requisitions of personnel and interventions of the police in energy, canceled flights, visit of King Charles III “postponed”: the point on the mobilization against the pension reform, which continues Friday, a week after its adoption.

The supply of fuel to the Paris basin, and in particular kerosene, by the large TotalEnergies refinery in Gonfreville-L’Orcher in Normandy resumed on Friday after an intervention by the police and the requisition of four employees.

“The pumping has restarted” and “this makes it possible to supply Ile-de-France”, declared the Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher. The Le Havre-Paris pipeline supplied from the refinery also serves the Paris airports.

The police also intervened to unblock two oil depots: in Port-la-Nouvelle (Aude), which had been blocked since March 16, and in Frontignan (Hérault).

At the TotalEnergies refinery in Donges (Loire-Atlantique), where the strike was renewed until March 31, six employees were requisitioned according to the inter-union. The aim is to supply the Vern-sur-Seiche depot, near Rennes.

About 15% of service stations were out of at least one fuel this Friday morning, according to public data analyzed by AFP.

In the nine most affected departments, between two and five out of ten service stations are dry. These are Loire-Atlantique, Morbihan, Mayenne, Maine-et-Loire, Ille-et-Vilaine, Ariège, Bouches-du-Rhônes, Hérault and du Var, according to these data.

-Waste –

Two of the three incineration plants treating Paris waste reopened Friday morning after two and a half weeks of strike, the agents having decided the end of the movement in Saint-Ouen (Seine-Saint-Denis) and Issy-les- Moulineaux (Hauts-de-Seine), according to the metropolitan union Syctom.

Requisitions are in progress in the third incineration plant, that of Ivry-sur-Seine ((Val-de-Marne), “on the sole initiative of the police headquarters”, underlines Syctom. In reaction, the strikers “appeal to all the forces that can come to help them” to block the incinerator, according to a source from CGT Energie.

The SNCF plans for this weekend an improvement in traffic on the main lines, the TERs and the Parisian suburbs, with in particular 3 out of 4 TGVs in circulation, half of the Intercités and three quarters of the TERs.

In Ile-de-France, the RATP expects normal traffic except on its part of the RER A on Saturday, where it should be “almost normal”.

Air traffic, meanwhile, will remain disrupted at least until Wednesday due to a strike by air traffic controllers. The Directorate General of Civil Aviation has required the cancellation of 15% of flights at Paris-Orly on Saturday and 33% on Sunday. In Marseille, Bordeaux and Lyon, 20% of flights are canceled this weekend.

The DGAC also asked companies to cancel 20% of their flights at Paris-Orly, Marseille, Toulouse and Bordeaux on Tuesday and Wednesday.

In Lorient (Morbihan), CGT activists prevented a tanker containing 30,000 m3 of diesel from docking.

In Bègles, in the suburbs of Bordeaux, a group of unions, activists and yellow vests prevented trucks from entering and leaving the logistics platform for fresh and frozen products STEF, where they usually collect orders to serve large retailers .

In Amiens, activists organized a snail operation on the ring road at midday, with around forty vehicles slowing traffic.

On the university side, at the university of Lyon 2, classes were canceled on one of the campuses due to a blockage.

In Savoie, the CGT demanded the construction of a low wall in front of the front door of the permanence of the deputy (LR) Vincent Rolland in Albertville.

“The overturned walls become bridges and consider this wall as an opportunity to reconnect with the People”, proclaims the CGT on the site of the departmental union of Savoy, calling on parliamentarians to demand the withdrawal of the reform.

The official visit of King Charles III, the first of the sovereign abroad, which was initially to take place from Sunday evening to Wednesday in Paris, Versailles and Bordeaux is “postponed”, “given the announcement of a new day of national action against pension reform” Tuesday, March 28, announced the Elysee.

This visit was strongly criticized by left-wing elected officials like the Green MP Sandrine Rousseau, who had asked for it to be canceled.

03/24/2023 19:15:58 –         Paris (AFP) –         © 2023 AFP