In its military support to Ukraine, the West is groping its way to the delivery of modern tanks. France starts with the promise to deliver reconnaissance tanks. The USA could follow suit by providing armored personnel carriers. This increases the pressure on Germany.

The US government is considering supplying Bradley armored personnel carriers to Ukraine. According to the US military, the armored tracked vehicles usually have a cannon, a machine gun and armor-piercing missiles. US President Joe Biden said yes to a reporter’s question as to whether the government was considering supplying the armored personnel carriers to Ukraine. He gave no details. It was initially unclear which model variant of the “Bradley” would be suitable for Kyiv.

The day before, France had promised Ukraine the delivery of “light battle tanks”. It’s about the reconnaissance tank AMX-10 RC. Ukraine has long been asking its allies for Western-style battle tanks and infantry fighting vehicles. Germany has so far refused to provide main battle tanks – including the German “Leopard” – for Ukraine.

The US is already supplying Ukraine with various heavy weapon systems, including the HIMARS multiple rocket launchers, which sometimes inflict heavy casualties on Russian forces. During the visit of the Ukrainian President Volodymr Zelenskyj to Washington shortly before Christmas, Biden also promised Ukraine the delivery of a “Patriot” type air defense system.

The chairwoman of the defense committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann, had recently criticized the blocking attitude of the chancellor’s office again on ntv. Many European countries have already offered to jointly launch the delivery of the Leopard II. “But the Federal Republic would have to allow that because it is a German tank that is also manufactured here. That has not happened to date,” said the FDP politician. She did not accept the argument from the chancellor’s office that arms deliveries should only be decided together with the partner countries. “I can assure you that with everyone I spoke to, in Europe and also in the United States, nobody would have a problem with it if we did it. It would be badly needed.”